S.No |
Image |
Name & Designation |
Area of Specilization |
Contact Details |
Teaching staff |
1 |
Dr. N. Raja Kumar, Programme Coordinator |
Plant Pathology |
Mobile: 9989623984
kvk.kondempudi@angrau.ac.in |
2 |
Dr. N. Sathi Babu, SMS (Horticulture) |
Plantation Crops |
Mobile :8639066690
nsbabu27@gmail.com |
3 |
Dr. A. Sowjanya, SMS (Crop Production) |
Nutrient Management and Cropping Systems |
Mobile: 7702296926
sowjanyaagron@gamil.com |
4 |
Dr. K. Sankara Rao, SMS (Plant Protection) |
IPM & Apiculture |
Mobile: 8168839476
sankar.kvk.kpd@gmail.com |
5 |
Dr. N. Kishor Kumar, SMS (Extension) |
Communication Behaviour & Information Technology |
kishoragri2014@gmail.com |
6 |
Er. P. Babu, SMS (Agril. Engg)
M.Tech |
Processing &Food Engineering |
Mobile: 8639279098
babucae002@gmail.com |
7 |
Vacant |
Non-Teaching Staff |
S.No |
Image |
Name & |
Designation |
Contact Details |
1 |
Sri. V. Mohana Rao |
Office Superintendent |
9441871021 |
2 |
Sri. Ch. Joga Rao |
8762461422 |
3 |
Mr. P.V.S. Ramu Naidu
Programme Assistant
(Farm Manager) |
9848061501 |
4 |
Ms. Y. Sravanthi
Programme Assistant
(Lab Technician) |
9701021686 |
5 |
Mr. P. Rajesh
Programme Assistant (Computer) |
8328310455 |